
This page provides information about the accessibility of our website.
We are committed to the principle of accessibility: that our service should be available to everyone, at the same level, and on equal terms. To this end, we are working to improve our web site, to increase its ease of use by everyone, including people with disabilities.
To help you navigate around the site without a mouse, a system of shortcuts to main areas of the site - accesskeys - is in place. These follow the government's standard for accesskeys.
Users of Microsoft Windows can use these shortcuts by holding down the ALT key and pressing the shortcut letter key. Apple Mac users can do the same, but holding down CTRL instead of ALT. Internet Explorer users may also need to hit the "Enter" key to activate a link.
1 | Homepage |
8 | Terms & Conditions |
9 | Contact Details |
0 | Accesskey Details |
This site is designed to be navigational friendly even if you have JavaScript disabled. Microsoft Windows users can also press the TAB key to cycle through links without having to use the mouse.
Text size
Users can adjust the text size throughout this website. If you are using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, refer to the "View > Text Size" option in your browser. For other browsers please consult the relevant Help section for further information.
Cascading style sheets (CSS)
Users are welcome to disable or override the Style Sheet settings used on this website. Please consult the relevant Help section in your web browser for further information.
W3C validated
This website has been validated by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and conforms to the HTML5 specification. This means that the website has been built professionally and to a set of strict standards and guidelines.